Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Basikal dan budak budak

Dah dua hari budak budak cuba tunggang basikal akhirnya petang tadi kedua dua Nas dan Cha dah boleh balance dengan baik dan berjaya.

Satu kejayaan yang besar considering dah lama sangat anak-anak nak main basikal. It is good juga dengan dua hari belajar mereka dah boleh tunggang basikal. I asked them and they said daddy garang. Jadi cepat boleh. Hmmm.... daddy garang?

I was driving a few days back when Nas asked me a question. Bapa daddy (his granddad (passed away several years ago) macam mana? Hmm.. it took me a while to answer. Trying to find the right answer. So I said, macam daddy. Bapa daddy macam daddy. Nas immediately turned to Chacha sitting next to him and said,"Bapa daddy pun suka tipu orang macam Daddy!". Hmm.. I thought I already given him a good answer. Hahahahhaha...

Of course I have to tipu them most of the time. But it was all done for a good reason.

Last night, when I was having dinner with Chacha and my wife, I tried to ask my darling daughter Chacha, Daddy ni orang macam mana. Jawap dia tanpa ragu ragu, daddy suka tipu orang. Daddy suka marah orang. Daddy garang. Tanya dia daddy baik ke tidak? It took a while before she asnwered dengan angguk dan pejam mata macam susah sangat nak sebut. Daddy baik sangat! Macam reluctant nak sebut...

Nas, Cha, Hadif and Harraz minta nak naik basikal sebelah malam and I said yes. But sayangnya hujan lebat dan bila time yang dijanjikan, hujan mula turun. Lebat. Lebat sangat. Makin lama makin lebat. I turned to Nas, mahu Nas baca buku kalau daddy hentikan hujan.

He looked at me agak marah. Kerana suruh baca buku. He walked away thinking that it can't be done bacause it rained makin teruk. I told him he better read his book because it will stop in 5 minutes time.

The group, all 4 of them faced the rain while I recited my prayer. Angin kuat bertiup.  Makin kuat. Hujan kemudian berhenti. But it was already too late untuk main basikal. Dah pukul 11 malam.

Mereka dipaksa tidur. And I went out to feel the weather. And thank god for always listening to me. Whatever I asked for even though it seemed impossible Dia akan bagi. God is great.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Harraz and his specs

Yesterday, August second, Harraz got his first spectacles. He looked pretty good in it too. I noticed that he has trouble seeing thing clearly and decided to have his eyes checked. True enough he needs glasses. It's already 250 for each side.

I was ten when I started wearing mine. Harraz is only 7. Hmmm....  I hope his eyes will get better rather than being supported with a thick glasses like mine.

It was last Thursday that we went to the optometrist and he had been counting days to get his glasses, seemed to some big deal to him. For the rest; Nas, Erisa, Hadif and Naydia they are just fine without one. Even the need to have what other have Hadif seemed reluctant to wear one. Much seeing Harraz's eyes being tested wearing those monster looking glasses.

Huh, life with the children is something....